My Big Fat Fabulous Life Exposed By Whitney’s Friend

Recently, Todd Beasley exposed My Big Fat Fabulous Life for being fake. He replied to a comment on his social media. What he said about the show and how much of it is actually scripted is just insane.

Todd is a fan-favorite character on My Big Fat Fabulous Life. He and Whitney have been friends for a really long time now. So, it’s kind of shocking that he recently criticized Whitney’s show for being completely fake.

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It all actually technically started several years ago. But Todd’s comments about the show are only coming to the surface now.

Todd Was Accused of Being Disrespectful

Someone on Reddit recently noticed that Todd replied to a comment on his Instagram. This comment was left on Todd’s latest post, which was a selfie he shared in November 2019. Todd hasn’t posted anything new to his Instagram since then, but some people still leave comments under his old posts to this day.

One person actually left a very specific comment three years after the post was made, in October 2022. This person wrote: “Seriously why are you always late? It’s disrespectful how late you are and it seems like it’s every single time. Come on! You can do better!”

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It’s not clear if they were actually hoping that Todd would see the comment. For a long time, it seemed like he wouldn’t. But then, just a couple of months ago, he suddenly decided to reply to this person.

He wrote: “When was I late? If I was it’s cuz they tell me the wrong start time on purpose to make it look that way I suppose in an effort to make things seem more interesting? Idk sounds boring to me.”

Todd also acknowledged that he was responding to this about a year later. In another comment, he said: “PS: Sorry for the late reply.”

This comment went unnoticed by most people for quite a while. As of right now, there are still only two responses to what Todd said.

Whitney’s Relationships Never Seemed Genuine

However, just a few weeks ago, Reddit user adoginahumansbody shared screenshots of this comment on the r/MyBigFatFabulousLife subreddit. The title of the user’s post was: “Even Todd being late is scripted.” This is what really kicked off the drama.

The screenshot started going around the internet, with different media outlets reporting on what Todd revealed. Honestly, it makes sense that everyone started talking about it. I mean, we’ve all suspected that the show is pretty fake and scripted for a while now.

Many of Whitney’s relationships haven’t exactly seemed genuine. From her supposed romance with The Frenchman to her bizarre virtual date with a man named Kenny and more, many people haven’t been buying the storylines we’ve seen on the show.

Now, it seems like we finally have proof that the show is actually pretty fake. I mean, if what Todd said is true, then the producers will do anything to create some sort of drama, even if it means giving people incorrect information on purpose.

That’s pretty crazy for so many reasons. First of all, if even details as small as that are fake, how much of the show is actually real?

Todd is supposed to be her friend. The two of them have been close since high school. They have a lot in common, including their passion for dance.

Todd has always been there for Whitney, even though it can’t have been easy. So, what are her thoughts on what he revealed?

Whitney Never Commented of Todd Receiving Hate

You have to remember that Todd only wrote that comment after someone accused him of always being late. He was called disrespectful by the original commenter. Except that’s not true, at least according to Todd.

It’s hard to imagine that this was the only negative comment he ever got about what we’ve seen on the show. So, you have to wonder – how does Whitney feel about her friend receiving hate for something he didn’t do? I mean, I can’t imagine that she’s completely in the dark about this.

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First of all, I feel like she and Todd would’ve probably talked about it before. It would be kind of strange if he never mentioned this to her, especially if he was getting criticized online for other people’s decisions.

But second of all, this is Whitney’s show. She’s probably more involved in some of these decisions than we might think.

Even if she isn’t the one who makes these choices, she probably knows about them, right? Which just makes it all so much more questionable.

Whitney Seems to Care More About the Show Than Todd

In Todd’s Instagram comment, he said that it sounded boring to him. He seemed like he didn’t care too much about all the drama.

It’s not like he doesn’t care about the mean comments at all. Otherwise, he probably wouldn’t have defended himself in the first place. So, you have to assume that it bothers him at least a little bit.

If that’s the case, then it makes Whitney look like a little bit of a bad friend. Does she care more about the show than about her friend’s well-being?

To be honest, I feel like that might be the case, at least to some extent. After he responded to the initial negative comment about him always being late, another person joined the conversation.

They wrote: “The whole party looked boring… still hurtful to be excluded and gaslit. Ps – she totally did say it was for both your party, and your past joint parties have definitely been aired/discussed. I thought it was an intentionally selfish move on her part.”

This comment was referring to a birthday party that Todd and Whitney had on a recent season of the show. It was supposed to be a shared birthday party. But after Todd got there, he quickly realized that all the attention seemed to be on Whitney, which he found pretty frustrating.

The Instagram commenter criticized Whitney for how she treated Todd during the party. The crazy thing is that Todd actually liked that comment.

He didn’t respond to it or say anything else about it, but the fact that he liked it kind of speaks volumes. I mean, why would he do that if he didn’t agree with it at least a little bit?

Todd and Whitney’s Relationship Could Be at Risk

If he does agree with it, what does that say about his and Whitney’s friendship? Is it possible that they might be falling apart?

Not too long ago, Whitney had some drama with her friend Heather. It looks like they might not even be on speaking terms anymore. So, is Whitney’s friendship with Todd also headed in the same direction?

If she keeps treating him like nothing more than a side character in her TV show, then sooner or later, he might leave her, too. I just feel like it’s not really okay for her to do these things to him.

She should’ve treated him better at their birthday party. I think we can all also agree that it’s not okay to just lie to people on purpose to create some reality TV drama.

I know that these lies might not come from Whitney herself. But this is her show, after all. I’m sure that she could at least try to put a stop to it if she wanted to.

I mean, who knows – maybe she has. We can’t really know that for sure.

To be fair, we can’t even know for sure if Todd’s accusations are actually true. But as many people pointed out on Reddit, with Todd’s background in professional dancing, he probably knows how to be on time.

He also seemed pretty confused when he was told that he was late. So, it would make a lot of sense if his story was true.

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