Body language expert claims Melania Trump was feeling ‘discomfort and anger’ during Trump’s Congressional address

Melania Trump was forcing a positive expression when she was introduced by her husband ahead of his Congressional address, according to an expert.

With Donald Trump back in the White House, this has meant that his wife, Melania Trump, has also stepped back into the limelight.

As First Lady, she has already attempted to make some law changes, as she made a rare appearance earlier this week when she called on lawmakers to crack down on ‘revenge porn’.

Speaking to Congress on Tuesday (March 4) Donald Trump brought attention to her work, which resulted in the First Lady getting a wave of applause across the room

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However, a body language expert has suggested that Melania may not have really enjoyed that moment.

Melania Trump's smile isn't as genuine as it might appear (Ricky Carioti/The Washington Post via Getty Images)Melania Trump's smile isn't as genuine as it might appear (Ricky Carioti/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

Melania Trump’s smile isn’t as genuine as it might appear (Ricky Carioti/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

Speaking to UNILAD on behalf of Prime Casino, Darren Stanton argued that Melania was actually frustrated about this mention and uncomfortable more than anything.

He added that her ‘smile’ was out of politeness rather than genuine joy at being mentioned by her husband as part of his address to Congress.

He said: “She doesn’t seem to like attention, she doesn’t like having focus brought on to her. They are not genuine smiles of elation. You can see from her eyes and the tension in her mouth that it was a very forced smile.

“She was not happy at all to have everyone looking at her. There were no crow’s feet and the top half of her face was not engaged in the smile at all.

“Trump likes to shift attention towards her but she would clearly rather remain out of the limelight. She was visibly very embarrassed and uncomfortable.”

Stanton also added that Trump continuously insists on putting Melania in the spotlight despite her apparent feelings towards this.

Melania Trump was allegedly uncomfortable after being called upon by Trump (JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images)Melania Trump was allegedly uncomfortable after being called upon by Trump (JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images)

Melania Trump was allegedly uncomfortable after being called upon by Trump (JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images)

He also pointed out the clear differences in behavior when someone looks to be genuinely smiling and happy.

He added: “The key tells of a genuine smile are wide eyes, raised eyebrows and the mouth slightly open. Melania didn’t exhibit any of these. On the contrary her eyes actually seemed to tighten and her eyebrows pulled together and she pursed her lips.

“This suggests that beyond merely being embarrassed, she was actually quite angry. She did not want to be in the limelight and Trump always insists on putting her there. There were clear signs of discomfort and anger.”

UNILAD has contacted Melania Trump’s representatives for comment.

There should have been a meme, when he walked in. Her face was different, and not in a good way. My husband and I cracked up. Am I the only one that saw that?

I have no idea what she was feeling, and really do not care. But the things that were pointed to are likely to the result of botox injections.

Body language expert breaks down Donald Trump and French President's attempt to 'assert power' during awkward handshakeBody language expert breaks down Donald Trump and French President's attempt to 'assert power' during awkward handshake


Body language expert breaks down Donald Trump and French President’s attempt to ‘assert power’ during awkward handshake

Emmanuel Macron recently visited President Trump in Washington, D.C.

Niamh Shackleton

Niamh Shackleton

A body language expert has broken down that handshake between Donald Trump and Emmanuel Macron.

Yesterday (February 24), Macron traveled almost 4,000 miles from Paris to Washington, D.C. to sit down with President Trump.

During his visit, the two heads of state discussed a series of different topics, including the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Speaking to the press, Trump said that Europe is ‘loaning the money to Ukraine’ and would be ‘getting their money back’ — something he doesn’t believe America will.

But Macron quickly interjected.

“No, in fact. To be frank, we paid,” the French President insisted. “We paid 60 percent of the total effort.”

Before sitting down together, Trump was on hand to greet Macron — who is the the first European leader to be invited to Washington since Trump’s inauguration last month.

When he arrived at the White House, Trump gave him a very stern (if not aggressive) handshake.

Macron wasn’t going to cower to Trump’s attempt at dominance however, and returned the handshake in the same way.

Now a body language expert has broken down the awkward moment between the pair.

Speaking on behalf of Spin Genie, body language expert Darren Stanton revealed to UNILAD: “When Trump shakes hands with politicians, it’s almost as though he crushes their hands.

“His handshakes are always very dominating and strong. As Trump shook Macron’s hand, we saw him pulling Macron towards him — and Marcon pulled Trump towards him too.

“It tells us neither of them wanted to appear weaker than the other in this exchange.”

French President Emmanuel Macron meets with President Donald J Trump in the Oval Office (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images)French President Emmanuel Macron meets with President Donald J Trump in the Oval Office (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

French President Emmanuel Macron meets with President Donald J Trump in the Oval Office (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

“There is a huge sense of both of them wanting to assert power over the other,” Stanton went on.

“Trump and Macron don’t have the deepest connection from what I’ve seen. When they’re smiling at each other and the cameras, it doesn’t come across as very genuine. It seems to be a bit over the top.

“I can also see signals of feelings of slight contempt coming from Macron. However, I can tell from the way they interact with each other that they both have a mutual respect for one another as politicians. They’re definitely both making a conscious effort.”

The expert concluded: “Overall, they’ve got a reasonable working relationship — they’re like colleagues, but they don’t have to be the closest. I think Trump tolerates people and Macron is one of them.”

What do you think of the moment between the two?

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