Meghan Gets Exposed By the Queen’s Best Friend

The late Queen Elizabeth’s best friend just spoke out about Meghan Markle, and she’s revealed exactly why she doesn’t like her.

The reasons are pretty shocking…The royals are usually very private people. They rarely talk about how they actually feel, and they basically never share their personal opinions on the people around them.

That’s why it’s so crazy that the late Queen’s best friend just spoke out about Meghan — and she did NOT hold back, either. But what exactly did she say about Meghan and Elizabeth?

The late Queen’s best friend is Lady Anne Glenconner. Lady Anne and Elizabeth were childhood friends who stayed one each other’s lives for decades. Lady Anne is 91 years old right now, ,and she was actually there for Elizabeth’s coronation back in 1953.

Who Is Lady Anne Glenconner?

She was actually one of Elizabeth’s maids of honor, and she was also the lady-in-waiting to Princess Margaret, who was Elizabeth’s younger sister. So, it’s clear that Lady Anne has spent her life with the royal family. She was close to Elizabeth and Margaret, and from what we know, she still sees Charles occasionally.

So, she really knows the Royals well, which is why it’s such a big deal that she’s spoken out about Meghan. What she said about her isn’t just second-hand information from some kind of anonymous royal insider. No, this is what the late Queen’s childhood friend had to say.

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I’m not sure that’s good news for Meghan, because this information is probably pretty accurate, and it doesn’t exactly paint Meghan in the best light. Lady Anne was recently on a podcast called Rosebud with Gyles Brandreth, where she expressed her honest opinion on Meghan and her relationship with Harry.

What Lady Anne Said About Meghan

She said that she thought that Meghan wanted to join the royal family because she thought it would be really glamorous. According to Lady Anne, Meghan assumed that she would be riding around in a golden coach, and that was what drew her to the royal life.

Obviously, if Meghan did make that kind of assumption, that’s understandable. I feel like a lot of us would assume the same thing. Surely, being a royal would mean you get to live a life of luxury. But while that may be true to some extent, it’s not the whole story.

Being a royal isn’t the same as being a Hollywood movie star. There are a lot of strict rules that you have to follow. and you have to give up a lot of your personal freedom and individuality to properly represent the institution. Lady Anne claimed that Meghan had no idea what she was signing up for.

She supposedly didn’t know what was expected of her and allegedly thought that it would be like if she became a bigger actress. But obviously, that’s not what happened. According to Lady Anne, royal life can actually be really boring.

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Not only do the royals have to be all proper, calm, and collected all the time, but their duties are also not always the most exciting thing out there. Lady Anne said that most of the royals spend their days meeting hundreds of thousands of people.

They’re never going to see these people again, but that doesn’t matter. They still have to be polite and smile at all these strangers — that’s kind of what their job description is. Honestly, it sounds pretty exhausting, and it would probably get really boring.

It’s not the worst job you could have. And the royals DO get to live in luxury in exchange. But if Meghan really thought that she was signing up for a glamorous life, I can see why she might’ve been disappointed by the reality of her situation.

Lady Anne Said She Feels Sad for Harry

Meghan was never a super famous actress, but I almost feel like that life might have still been more exciting than being a royal. Especially if the rumors are true, and Meghan really does love being famous. She’s definitely more famous now than she was before she got together with Harry.

But it’s most likely not as exciting as she hoped it would be. Obviously, the couple have left the royal family, so they don’t have to do all those exhausting activities anymore, at least not to such a crazy extent. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re happy right now.

Lady Anne said that it was all very sad when they decided to leave, and she added that she felt especially sad for Harry. It seems like what he really wanted was someone to share his royal duties with, but that’s not what he ended up getting.

Lady Anne said that she even had a conversation with American politician John Kerry at King Charles’s coronation. Lady Anne talked to John about Harry and Meghan. She wanted to know what people in the U.S. thought about the couple, and John told her that they all felt very sorry for Harry, too.

So everyone seems to agree that maybe Meghan’s intentions weren’t exactly pure when she joined the royal family. I don’t doubt that she and Harry love each other, but maybe Meghan did also want to have the dream life of a Princess. Unfortunately, things didn’t work out that way…

And she has also had to deal with a lot of hateful comments and trolls along the way, which is not fair and is completely unacceptable. I mean, even if she did agree to marry Harry just because she wanted to gain more fame and power, she’s still a person — and she shouldn’t have to deal with all that hate.

That being said, it does seem like she made the royal family’s lives a lot more difficult, and I can’t blame Lady Anne for seemingly not liking her at all.

Another One of Queen Elizabeth’s Friends Also Spoke Out

Another one of Elizabeth’s friends also spoke out about the situation, and this friend said that after Prince Philip passed away in 2021, Elizabeth was in a lot of pain. She was grieving her husband, but then, Harry and Meghan’s behavior made things even worse for her.

Harry announced that he was working on his memoir, Spare. The book only came out after Elizabeth passed away, but apparently, the announcement itself still hurt her, and this was one of the reasons why those close to Elizabeth were so angry at the couple.

To this day, many of them reportedly still feel like there’s nothing Harry and Meghan could do to make up for their behavior. They supposedly really hurt Elizabeth’s feelings in her final years. And understandably, many of those who were close to the late Queen don’t think they will ever be able to forgive the couple.

It’s entirely possible that Lady Anne is one of those people. I mean, that would definitely explain why she felt so comfortable talking about Harry and Meghan in the first place. Like I said, it’s highly unusual for the royals to actually open up about something like this.

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And Lady Anne was by Elizabeth’s side for most of the late Queen’s life. I’m sure that she’s more than used to keeping her thoughts to herself, too, so the fact that she spoke out against Meghan must mean that she REALLY dislikes her.

Interestingly, she doesn’t seem to have as much against Harry, but this may be because, despite his actions, he was still her best friend’s grandson, so she probably still loves him. Even though he likely hurt his grandma with his decisions, too…

But at least Harry was born into the royal family. He was always going to be a royal, whereas Meghan chose this life for herself, which I guess is also a big difference between the two of them. Obviously, it’s hard to say if Lady Anne’s description of Meghan is 100% accurate…

She was Elizabeth’s best friend, after all — not Meghan’s. But it’s definitely possible that Meghan joined the royal family partly because she wanted to live a more glamorous life, and things ended up backfiring.

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